Learning programming languages like Visual Basic is not a difficult job at all.
Now a days almost every couse materials is available on internet, so no need to worry about it at all.
You can either learn Visual Basic joining some training institutes or from self learning methods like online e-learning sites.
If you join a computer traning classes in India, the Visual Basic courses may cost form 4000 Rs to 6000 Rs, depending on whether the course includes basics or live project etc.
You will also get course materials and Software CDs if you join the live classes.
Else if you would opt for the e-learning classes and self study methods then you can very well access tons of sites on internet and get through with yourself.
Here are some good sites that you may refer to learn VB.
www.visualbasic.about.com/od/standalonevb6/l/bllvb _6d.htm
www.sweethaven.com/free-ed/InfoTech/vb01/default.a sp
If you do not wish to study online then you can very well buy some good books and start studying. You can get lot of books in the market which can assit you to complete Visual Basic learning in 21 days or some other good stuffs.
You can also search for some Visual Basic simulation softwares online that can help nyou create your own widgets and forms and start coding that mimics the realworld application.