Visual Basic provides color palatte with different values of coulours indicated in RGB format or hex format. This colour palatte gives you a choice to select from the existing set of standard colours or customize your own which are suitable to the webpages.
Only the proper combination of red, green, and blue colours can perfectly simulate any color humans can perceive.
The RGB system of color values that comprises of Red, Green, Blue colours are colours of intensities, each ranging from 0 to 255.
These colour codes are attributes for the variables BGCOLOR or LINK or BODY.
Some example combinations of these RGB values that are represented as colours may be :
255,255,255 represented as white
0,0,0 represented as black
128,128,128 as grey
0,0,255 as blue
Hence, various colour combinations can be made just by altering these RGb values.
These colours are most suited for web applications since they have compatible textures.
You can either make the custom color changes through your code or use the colour palatte.
You can also use the system colours in your application.
The usage of set and get methods are very handy at this time. System colours are mainly used to include values for Active Border, Inactive border, caption etc.