Obviously money and depression are inter related in one way or the other. But cause of depression may not be always money. But the want of or lack of more money may lead to depression.
Depression symptoms are severe.First you may start up with mild head aches, then it may lead to body imbalances and heart problems and then it may lead to severe nevrous system disorders. All these consequenes of depression and stress are very much sever enough to
ruin anyone's life.People may try to take their life in depression.
Money also may be one of the causes. Financial problems are one such hassle in hman life that makes man helpless without money.That is very much true to be said.
Well even i have faced many such depressions and tensions. Who does not have any problems in this life tell me. It is common and very apt for every human being to get problems in life. Whether it is rich people or they are poor. But the main thing and very important matter is how you handle this matter. If you are really unable to handle your problems then they may cause you severe damages in life. You may enter depression zone.
Once you enter such depression zone you will be under danger. Because depression zone is a danger zone which can make you act according to it. You may go to a state of coma or unconsiousness due to depression or may loose control over your body and become lifeless.
Money or financial problems play a vital role in getting you to depression. But once you enter the depression zone you will find it very much difficult too come out of this depression zone even if you get back money and solve all your financial problems.