Do you love reading books? Yes? Then you must be having pretty good experience in selecting good books. You will know a brief or overview of the book you read throughly. If you put down this overview of the book then it is nothing but reviewing books.
How do you review books? There is a specific order in which you need to review the book.
To review any book, you need to first read the entire book, once,twice how much ever times you feel comfortable that you have understood and analyzed every hook ad corner of the book. Yes, you need to read the book first to know what review to write.
Next, start with the title of the book. Your review should contain the following basic units :
Title of the book
Author of the book
ISBN Number
Next you can write the overview o the purpose the book is written
Then write what each chapter says.
Write the author's view on the particular subject.
Don't forget to write your opinion too. Your opinion is most important here ,because people who read your revie should be able to judge whether to read this book or not depends on how well your review explains them.